Saturday 25 May 2013

Our Little Adventures 2013 - Family outing to Gardens By The Bay (1 May)

The long awaiting "Tulipmania" has arrived at Gardens by The Bay from 29 April - 20 May 2013. I'm so excited to visit the Flower Dome Garden. Tulips is one of my favourite flowers. My ROM bouquet in 2004 was the 2-toned tulips. 

We arrived at Gardens by the Bay at 9.10 am on 1 May 2013 (Labour Day Public Holiday). Wow, the queue was already so long and I thought I was early. After buying the tickets, we went into Flower Dome. This is our first visit to Gardens By The Bay.

It was very crowded inside the Conservatory. Many professional photographers were taking photos of the flowers and the main character "tulips". I was using my Olympus EPL-1 to take photos of the flowers. I'd love photography since young. And I'm continuing to pursue my interest/hobby.

There were also some unique sculptures in the Conservatory. You can find some of the photos below. 

After taking the photos of some of the flowers, I finally had time to take photos of my hubby and children. Isaac and Imax are not camera-shy but they like/ try to be funny. It's always difficult to get the children to sit down and take photos. Needed a lot of patience.

Look at the photos above and you understand what I meant above, right? We continued walking in the Conservatory. More flowers and our family photos ahead.

Ivory was getting cranky and was crying.

Isaac was posing for me. He had a very sweet smile.

Finally, the end of the walk - a bed of tulips with windmill. Very beautiful scene. We do not need to travel to Holland or Japan to see this magnificent scene of flowers.

This marked the end of our family outing. It was already 11.30 am. The children were starving as they had early breakfast. We went to the one and only kopitiam there and ordered 2 sets of breakfast meal (comprises of 2 soft boiled eggs, toasted bread and hot milo), Singapore laksa and Mee Rebus. After our lunch, we walked to Marina Barrage to get our car. Imax and Ivory were beat tired and they fell asleep during the car journey home.